Medical Aesthetics

Aesthetics Exposed Education, under the direction of Terri Wojak, will provide this exclusive opportunity to USTA students. The Aesthetics Exposed educational team are experienced educators with 25+ years of experience in the aesthetic industry. They are a respected authority on skin care in a medical setting.
This hands-on certification course is included at no extra cost to aesthetic students.
- Eligibility requirements must be met to participate.
- Internships may be available to those performing at the top of their class.
AREAS OF TRAINING INCLUDE but not limited to:
- Laser Hair Removal
- Dermaplaning
- Micro-Needling
- Intense Pulsed Light Laser
- Fraxel Laser Treatments
- Vascular Removal
- Ablative & Non Ablative
- Fractionated C02
- IPL for Pigmentation
- Laser Physics
- Oncology Treatments
- LED Treatments
Illinois Dept of Professional Regulation Statements:
- Medical Aestheticians: Click here
- Prohibited Practices: Click here
- Laser Statement: Click here
*advanced and medical courses are not esthetics but constitute medical training that might assist a student in obtaining employment as an unlicensed physician’s assistant in a medical clinic (Illinois Dept of Prof Reg).